PPoPP 2023
Sat 25 February - Wed 1 March 2023 Montreal, Canada
Giulia Guidi

Registered user since Fri 10 Jun 2022

Name:Giulia Guidi

Giulia is a PhD candidate in Computer Science at UC Berkeley graduating in Summer 2022 and a graduate research assistant at the Computational Research Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory advised by Aydın Buluç and Kathy Yelick. Giulia is a 2020 SIGHPC Computational & Data Science Fellow.

Giulia will be a Project Scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Fall 2022 and an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Cornell University starting Spring 2023.

Giulia is working on the challenges of large-scale computational biology and the algorithms and software infrastructures that meet the usability and performance demand of this community, as well as how to make cloud computing more accessible for high-performance scientific computing. Giulia’s research goal is to make writing high-performance genomics code as easy as writing high-performance deep learning code. Giulia is generally interested in the intersection of High-Performance Computing (HPC), Computer Systems, and Computational Biology as enabling technologies for faster, high-quality bioinformatics and biomedical research.

Country:United States
Affiliation:University of California at Berkeley & Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Personal website: http://gguidi.com/
Research interests:High Performance Computing, Computer Systems, Computational Biology


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